Welcome to the Searsheet Fall 2001 Webpage

So you want to see Searsheet Fall 2001 about the Sears Automobiles? Well, you have found the right page.

The "Searssheet" was a newsletter published by Sears owner Hayden Shepley in the 1990's. Hayden was pationate about the history of the Sears and did a lot of research to try to acurately date a Sears by features and serial numbers. He also maintained a roster of members as he found them. These sheets include a lot of great information.

This issue contains information about a show that Hayden took his Sears to. Also some reprints of Sears testimonial ads.

I believe this is the last issue that Hayden published. If you have any newer than this, please let me know and send me a copy so I can include it here.

To open the entire document as a PDF file, click on the following link:


I hope you enjoy looking or downloading the information.

This is the page 1 of Searsheet from Fall of 2001. It contains a description of a small town car show that Hayden would take his Sears to.
Click on the picture for the full size view.
This is the page 2 of Searsheet from Fall of 2001. It contains two reprints of ads from Sears showing testimonials. I believe that they are both shown to compare the differences between the two.
Click on the picture for the full size view.
This is the page 3 of Searsheet from Fall of 2001. This page contains the rest of the ads fro comparision.
Click on the picture for the full size view.
This is the page 4 of Searsheet from Fall of 2001. This page contains information about the Go-Buggy Reeves built to use up engines and some other musings. I think hayden was out of Ideas.
Click on the picture for the full size view.

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John M. Daly

Phone: (815) 786-4824